The economist within me is very perturbed.
With the massive losses on world stock markets, the solution du jur appears to be to do anything.
Anything must be good but sometimes one must suspect that companies have made wrong decisions on their investments just as countries can make unwise decisions on raising tax revenues and allocating expenditures.
Sometimes, one feels, there must be a day of reaping what you sow, the yan of the yin.
To avoid this, postponing your day of reckoning, and to do "anything," is that really right?
Usually the unsuspecting people who pay for this the most, are the "next generation" or even the unborn if its really that bad.
In Canada, PM's Trudeau and Mulroney through the 70's and 80's had no gumption to spend more than they received, building a national debt that at times took about one third of tax revenues to service, let alone pay down as it was a growing debt.
In the US, hard numbers are buried by multiple offices in charge of that nations budget. Who knows what the Pentagon has spent in the past 10 years and has plans to spend in the next 5 years????
The US appears to be the biggest basket case but it is not alone as it has lead some necessary efforts with free loaders abounding to those efforts. Is China also a basket case, for "hoarding" foreign currency, rather than spending its foreign surplus? Its hoard is more than 1 Trillion US dollars, and to me, the principal failure of Robert Mundell in not turning them into consumers too.
But the point here is that you cannot just create bailout packages for industries if the consumer will not buy what is for sale.
In my small world, the consumer has just about everything they need. The wants department may be lacking as there is always a nicer car, nicer TV, nicer home, but in the make do department, the consumer is satiated.
That is one of the troubles here: consumer satiation in the West.
The other is asset deflation, that comes from excess money supply over a long period of "growth" stimulated by monetary policies that pushed on the strings of the real economy.
With the asset deflation and collapse of home building in the US and collapse of energy production in China, yes PM Harper is right to say that we could have a depression on our hands with high unemployment.
But as I have read today, had the "Conservatives" everywhere (Canada, US, and anywhere else) been harder on energy efficiency and climate change, would we be here today as we are?
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Aiding Firms and Industries does not Help Aggregate Demand
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6:33 PM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Unlocking Conscious Energy
It is sometimes difficult to write a blog when at times to the blogger, life becomes overwhelming.
"Over" to me, is above.
"Whelming" is a well, a pit, a dark abyss, without a bottom, as in the case of the depressed.
The work of Dr. Helen Mayberg exposed me to that "pit" that perhaps in deep empathy, and thought of what one of her slides described, my own life essence in wanting to feel something new, went for it.
Ok, enough of empathizing with the depths of depression a person can experience.
Is it a choice in my mind to overcome this or is this my "area 25" dysfunctioning, by thinking about that depth of depression.
In a sense this is a follow on to my attendance at the centenary lecture I blogged on earlier, and in a sense a corollory to the testable hypothesis I put to the good Doctor:
Can you put yourself into a state of depression?
We know with good results that the stimulation of this area 25 of the brain, relieves depression in terms of symptoms, but what we don't know is whether the cause of the depression is endogenous (within the person's psyche) or exogenous (from external stressors).
Time will tell, if exogenous or endogenous factors can be discerned after Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). If the factors are exogenous, and the life event has set up the block at area 25, likely, the DBS with cognitive therapy, will be permanently relieving: i.e. the discovery of why one was so despaired, will be exposed consciously, and so called "up the cortex" therapies, can relieve the bad paradigms or events to understanding, so as to no longer exist.
Worse however is the endogenous variety, as this is what likely DBS will most likely be most effective at relieving.
The trick however, is that after DBS, one then has the opportunity to research the depressed person for endogenous or exogenous causality, and in some cases, permanently cure the person.
The good part in all of this research ongoing, is that perhaps the person with the mental illness will have something visible to show the cruel laity, that through bandaging, or a discernable shoulder bulge, a visible "crutch" may make a hidden illness people fear, become a "normal" illness sufficing to say "Hey, here is this surgery I have had. I feel so much better."
The better part is that the flows of conscious energy within the brain are being mapped, and even external flows between people are being worked on.
Where will this take us in the next 7 years? I have predictions of course but they would be ungodly ones to make at this time SMILE
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9:00 PM